Prof. Manu Malek
Title: Internet of Things: Applications, Enablers, Security
The Internet is used daily for many online services: to communicate, find information, do transactions, and be entertained; and this is possible independent of location due to its openness and distributed nature. But this very openness has posed vulnerabilities, allowing attacks such as ID theft, denial of service, industrial espionage, and extortion.
The Internet of Things (IoT) anticipates connecting billions of objects to the Internet in the next few years, thus potentially creating additional challenging security and privacy issues.
The objective of this talk is to describe some current trends affecting Internet security, and point out the sources of security problems, as well as provide an overview of IoT and its related security issues. Typical IoT applications will be presented with focus on autonomous vehicles. Also, some potential solutions, safeguards, and defenses will be offered.
Manu Malek is the Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering. He was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Lucent Bell Labs until 2001; then joined Stevens Institute of Technology as Professor of Computer Science and Telecom Management, from which he retired a few years ago.
He has held various academic positions in the USA and overseas, as well as technical leadership positions at Telcordia Technologies and AT&T/Lucent Bell Labs. He is the author, co-author, or editor of seven books, and author or co-author of more than fifty papers in the areas of communication networks, computer communications, and network management.
An alumnus of University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Malek is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, and an IEEE Third Millennium medalist for his contributions. He was Editor for Network Management for the IEEE Transactions on Communications (1989-92), and an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (1999-2007). He founded and was the Editor-in-Chief of Springer’s Journal of Network and Systems Management (1993-2010).
Dr. Malek is a frequent invitee as keynote speaker at international conferences. His favorite topic is information security with subtopics security forensics and defense, IoT, and autonomous vehicles.

Prof. Ng Yin Kwee
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Title: Neck skin thermal features as a measure of stenosis in the carotid artery: computational and in-vivo study
Dr. Ng, professor at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received PhD from the University of Cambridge. He is Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (FASME), FIET (UK), FIETI (HK). He is Editor-in-Chief for 2 ISI-journals which were captured by the JCR within 2-years of their inauguration. He has authored 400 publications in various journals and 14 books in the field of BME research. He has been recognized internationally for academic excellence. He was awarded the SPRING-Singapore Merit Award for his work in thermal imagers to screen SARS fever as well as contributions to the Singapore Standardization Program.

Prof. Shuai Liu
Doctoral Supervisor
Vice director of Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing and Language Information Processing
Director at Department of Artificial Intelligence, Hunan Normal University.
Title: Visual tracking based on human visual memory mechanism
Target tracking is a major branch of computer vision. By utilizing the perception and attention features of human vision and the functions of Short-Long Term memory, this team proposes a visual tracking method/mechanism starting from the matching and updating mechanism of target templates. The experimental results show that the introduction of human vision can improve the tracking effect, and the proposed model can also provide a targeted development direction for the study of human vision.