
Prof. Lu Liu

Professor of Informatics and Head of School of Informatics, University of Leicester

Title: Managing Information Services in the Era of Big Data and Internet of Things


Professor Lu Liu is the Head of School of Informatics at the University of Leicester. Prior to this, he was the Head of School of Electronics, Computing and Mathematics and Professor of Distributed Computing at the University of Derby. Professor Liu received his PhD degree from Surrey Space Centre at the University of Surrey. He had worked as a Research Fellow at the WRG e-Science Centre at the University of Leeds.

Professor Liu’s research interests are in the areas of data analytics, AI, Cloud computing, service computing and the Internet of Things and he has over 200 scientific publications in reputable journals, academic books and international conferences. Professor Liu has secured and participated in many research projects which are supported by research councils, BIS, Innovate UK, British Council and leading industries. He received the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Doctoral Supervision in 2018, BCL Faculty Research Award in 2012 and was recognised as a Promising Researcher by the University of Derby in 2011. He has been the recipient of 6 Best Paper Awards from international conferences and was invited to deliver 7 keynote speeches at international conferences/workshops.

Professor Liu is a Fellow of BCS (British Computer Society) and serves as an Editorial Board member of 6 international journals and the Guest Editor for 19 journal special issues. He has chaired over 30 international conference and workshops, and presently or formerly serves as the program committee member for over 60 international conferences and workshops.


Dr. Shui-hua Wang

Research Fellow at University of Loughborough

Title: Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Image Analysis


Shui-Hua Wang received the B.S. degree from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2008, the M.S. degree from The City University of New York, New York, NY, USA, in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree from Nanjing University, Nanjing, in 2017. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher with the School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, U.K. Her research interests include biomedical image processing and computer-aided diagnosis.


Prof. Shuai Liu

Dean of Department of Artificial Intelligence, Hunan Normal University

Title: Human Perception Related Single Target Tracking


Shuai Liu currently works as a full professor at College of Information Science and Technology, Hunan Normal University. He is also the dean of Department of Artificial Intelligence at Hunan Normal University. His research area contains image processing, computer vision, applied mathematics, theory of computation, image processing and information processing.